Parenting Plan Lawyer

Why Work With a Parenting Plan Lawyer?
Regardless of how amicable your divorce might have ended, making parenting decisions with a former spouse can be challenging. Often, the most crucial part of a divorce are the decisions you have to make regarding custody and child care. As a result, many parents choose to use a parenting plan or a schedule that outlines each parent’s responsibilities. Since parenting plans can sometimes become complicated, working with a parenting plan lawyer or child support lawyer at Skyview Law Kennewick can simplify the process. Your child deserves a plan and a family lawyer Kennewick that prioritizes their needs and allows both parents to be involved in their life. Working with a Kennewick lawyer can also protect your parental rights as well and help you and your former spouse comes to an agreement that satisfies both parties.How Parenting Plans Work
Although parenting plans are designed to fit your child’s unique needs or circumstances, they generally cover the same areas:- The amount of time that each parent spends with the child. For instance, one parent may have the child during the week while the other has them on the weekends.
- Restrictions in permanent or temporary parenting plans pursuant to RCW 26.09.191
- A holiday and summer vacation schedule where both parents will need to work out who the child spends holidays, vacations, and summer break with.
- A transportation schedule that includes who picks the child up from school or extra-curricular activities.
- How the children and parents communicate with each other.
- What happens if one parent gets relocated.
- Major decisions regarding where the child goes to school and gets their medical care
- The child’s primary residence
- A schedule of the child’s residential time
- How other major decision-making responsibilities are allocated between parents
Common Disputes

Visitation Schedules
One of the most common issues that parents run into is finding a visitation schedule that satisfies every party involved. Many parents might feel as if they’re getting the short end of the stick—especially if the child spends more than fifty percent of their time with the other parent.
Every visitation schedule is different, and may be dependent on how far the parents are located from each other or other factors. Regardless of the circumstances, a visitation schedule is a crucial part of the parenting plan and all parties need to agree on it.
Child Support Amount
In Washington, all parenting plans require a child support order. Even if the parents agree on not wanting child support entered, the court will require one. Child support can be another common area where parents tend to clash. In some cases, there may be a disagreement about the amount of child support that a parent is receiving. For instance, a parent might be paying child support, but still feel as if they’re the one primarily supporting the child. While child support may be established with a divorce lawyer, an attorney can also help settle disputes that happen afterward too.
To deal with child support disputes, the parent receiving the money might be asked to show supporting evidence of the amount that they’re asking for. If the evidence doesn’t line up, the amount of child support might need to be adjusted.
Violations of Parenting Agreements
Although parenting plans in Kennewick are designed so that everyone involved agrees and is satisfied, one parent may still violate the parenting agreement. Common violations include not returning the child at the time they’re supposed to or refusing to let the parent see the child when they’re allowed to. Violations aren’t unusual, and they can still occur even if the parenting plan is court-ordered.
When a parent does violate their agreement, the consequences can end up being severe. In a court-ordered plan, they even risk being held in contempt of court. In addition to making both parents abide by the parenting plan, some of the penalties that the court can enforce include:
- Attending a parenting class
- Attending future court hearings to check-in about the status of the child
- Going to counseling with the other parent
- Letting one parent receive make-up time with the child
With serious violations, where one parent has tried to flee the state or even the country with the child, the court might decide to change the parenting plan, strip that parent of their custodial rights, or make them spend time in jail.
If a judge believes that one or both parents will continue to violate the parenting agreement, they might make adjustments to it.
Speak with a parenting plan lawyer
You don't have to do it alone, discover how Skyview Law can help you in these difficult times
How Skyview Law Can Help You
Skyview Law handles family law in Kennewick and offers expertise relevant to your family’s situation. Skyview Law helps clients prepare and understand paperwork, provides support in the courtroom, and navigate challenging legal scenarios. Having competent legal aid can also increase the chance of positive outcomes in your case.
Legal Advocates
Court systems are complex, and it’s all too easy to feel intimidated. Having a lawyer by your side prevents you from being taken advantage of.
Reduce Stress
Dealing with family matters in court is often an emotional ordeal, and a lawyer will be able to explain everything that’s happening to put you at ease.
Fast Case Resolution
We save you time because we already know how to file documents properly, which minimizes paperwork slowdowns, and we get you on your way to fulfilling all the legal formalities required by the court.
Dodge Expensive Mistakes
Even non-lawyers know that legal proceedings require you to fill out lots of complicated forms correctly. Making a mistake on these forms can cost you time, as well as money. With a lawyer, you know the paperwork will be completed correctly the first time.
Understand Complicated Matters
Especially in divorce proceedings, unforeseen twists happen all the time. If you find yourself facing an unexpected complication, it’s in your best interest to have a lawyer who can help you navigate the situation.
Avoid Spousal Bullying
Unfortunately, it’s all too easy for angry ex-spouses to threaten and intimidate you, but a lawyer will champion your cause and make sure you aren’t bullied into submission or silence.
Frequently Asked Questions
What Is A Parenting Plan?
What Is A Parenting Plan Modification?
Sometimes the agreed upon parenting plan requires particular modifications in a child’s life. Modifications can include visitations, parenting schedules, and child support. Modifications can be agreed upon by each parent, or the court can rule on the dispute. Addressing particular changes or challenges while drafting the plan can save time and money.
How Much Does It Cost To Modify A Parenting Plan?
How To File A Parenting Plan In Washington State?
A participant in legal matters such as child parentage, divorce, legal separation, parenting plan, or child custody modification can file in Washington State. You file the parenting plan like any court paper, such as a petition, motion, or response. The plan will then be served to the other parties. The exact process may differ depending on the court and county.
How Long Does A Temporary Parenting Plan Last In Washington State?
A judge can issue a temporary custody order for special situations, such as deployed military causing a move of substantial distance. That type of temporary custody orders end after 10 days, providing any required notice to the child’s temporary caretaker. Temporary parenting plans can be modified by emergency hearings or judge motions. Other temporary parenting plans may also be put into place for longer terms, up to trial in some matters.

About Skyview Law
Jarrod Hays is the founder of Skyview Law. He graduated from Northwestern School of Law in 2008 and opened his practice shortly after that. Since then, Mr. Hays has served the Tri-Cities community faithfully across a range of practice areas. He is a seasoned attorney with ample experience in family law, probate, divorce, child custody, and everything in between.
Mr. Hays is a member of the American Institute of Legal Counsel, as well as several legal groups. He was rated as one of the 10 best attorneys under 40 for client satisfaction in Washington state.